UUCAS Safe Congregation
Because we care about the safety of each person who is part of UUCAS, we created a safe congregations policy to support concerns about sexual misconduct.
UUCAS’ Safe Congregations Team
The safety of our members, both children and adults, is one of our highest concerns. UUCAS has a standing Safe Congregations Team, which includes the congregation’s minister, and two members of the congregation. At least one member must have professional training regarding abuse issues. The current members of the Safe Congregations Team are:
The Rev. Darcey Laine, Minister
Katie Replogle, Board of Trustees Appointee
Elaine Lovegreen, Committee on Ministry Appointee
Participants in church life are invited to approach any of the team members about concerns regarding inappropriate behavior toward any UUCAS member, friend or visitor, sexual misconduct or any type of harassment by other members or staff.
If you see something that concerns you, you are asked to report your concern as soon as possible to one of the members of the Safe Congregations Team, listed above. If you are witness to seriously harmful, abusive or harassing behavior toward any UUCAS member, friend or visitor, and you feel the behavior cannot be successfully defused, you are asked to call 911 or the local police department, requesting immediate assistance.
Persons with Accusations or History of Sexual Offenses
Any member of the congregation or a potential member/participant with a history or active accusation of sexual misconduct/abuse/sexual offense will make that history known to the minister or, if there is no minister, to the President of the Board of Trustees, who will follow the adopted policy.