We are holding hybrid worship services with our partner church Unitarian Universalist Church of Cortland in Cortland, N.Y.

Worship services are Sundays at 10:30 a.m., except where noted. A reminder that Covid and many other respiratory illnesses are still impacting our area. If you have symptoms, please join us by zoom, test and/or mask to protect your community. Thank you.

Sunday, May 12 Flower Ceremony
Rev. Laine  (from Cortland)

Multi-Platform – In person Athens, IN person Cortlaned and on Zoom

This uniquely Unitarian ritual is almost 100 years old, and helps us share gratitude for the beauty of nature and for the diversity of our community. Once again this year it will be held in all 3 of our sanctuaries, so that we can share gratitude and beauty from far and near.  Please bring a flower to the service, whether a cut flower, a flowering plant, a photo of a flower or a drawing of a flower. 

 Join us at our regular zoom address:

Sunday, May 19 “Healing for a Divided World”
Rev. Laine (from Athens)
Multi-Platform – In person Athens and on Zoom

Across the country, from schools, to religion, to politics it feels like the world is hardening into “us against them.” Universalism offers an antidote, a balm for this dualism. In belief and in practice, our Universalist faith tradition offers us a healing space between “us” and “them” which our world so dearly needs.

Join us at our regular zoom address:

Sun. May 26, “Milestones”
Rev. Laine (from Athens)
Multi-Platform – In person Athens and on Zoom

This is the time of year when students are graduating, and young people celebrate their accomplishments and milestones in their studies. In adulthood our milestones are not always so obvious, but as long as we live we learn and grow and change. Today we celebrate our many milestones large and small, noticing what has changed in our lives, accomplishments we celebrate, losses we release, challenges we have overcome.

Join us at our regular zoom address:

Sunday, June 16 “Celebrating Pride”
Rev. Laine  (from Cortland)

Multi-Platform –In person Cortland, In person Athens, and on Zoom

Join us in celebrating LGBT*QIA+ Pride and your own innate fabulousness. Gay or straight, cis or trans*, Pride reminds us to let our own light shine. As a community we affirm our covenant to be that place where we can be our truest, best selves, and amplify the voices of our LGBTQAI+ siblings. You are invited to wear something demonstrating your own unique fabulousness- online or in person-  as you are able.

Join us at our regular zoom address:

Cancellation of Worship Announcements

  • Services or activities may be canceled in the event of bad weather or for other reasons. 
  • A decision to cancel will be made at least 2 hours ahead of time by the Board, the Worship Team or Minister.
  • When we cancel, we’ll post it on our website, Facebook page and send an email to our listserv.
  • If these online means won’t work for congregants and a phone call is needed instead, notify the president of the congregation.